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  GameBase 64 V8.0 is ONLINE!

Faithful flock of the Commodore 64, rejoice!

It took a while, but GB64 reached its 8th incarnation and what's more, it's now online and ready to be peeked, poked and sys'ed by you, O True Believers.

But 'what's new?', I hear you cry in excitement ... Well, besides its whole new mean attitude and unforgiving disposition that elevates it into a new level of coolness, it now includes:

- 22500 database entries
- 1531 new game images
- 507 updated game images
- 3000 games with original disk image
- 3333 games with original tape image
- support of the latest HVSC #55
- Newly introduced fields: "Developer", "Graphics" and "Clone of"
- a huge amount of credit fixes
- plus some unexpected surprises!

By now you should be wondering how can you participate in this festive occasion. Well, we have a suggestion: let the disk version of Little Computer People run full screen in your PC for one evening ... and reminisce the good old times...

Posted: 9 Sep 2011 by Dimitris Kiminas.

Action & Adventure Game of the Week

Collapse -- War of the Lance

Htmlized reviews of these games from the UK C64 computer games' magazine Zzap!64 have been added to the Articles section.

With these reviews ZZAP! issue 18 is completed and we'll go into hiatus until I find the time to htmlize some more. Sadly my free time has taken a turn for the worst, so it will be a while before we continue. Take care and have faith!

Posted: 5 Dec 2010 by Dimitris Kiminas.

Action & Adventure Game of the Week

Super Cycle -- Xenomorph

"You can virtually feel the throb of a 750 cc engine between your legs in this Sizzling new high speed motorbike racing simulation from EPYX."

Htmlized reviews of these games from the UK C64 computer games' magazine Zzap!64 have been added to the Articles section.

'Now is the winter of our discontent,' the poet wrote -- but then he didn't realise the next ZZAP! review was going online December 5.

Posted: 22 Nov 2010 by Dimitris Kiminas.

Action & Adventure Game of the Week

Equinox -- Knights of Legend

Htmlized reviews of these games from the UK C64 computer games' magazine Zzap!64 have been added to the Articles section.

The next ZZAP! reviews from platform four will be leaving on 21 November, calling at all stations between Ludlow and the world in general. Passengers are advised that there is no dining car on this service, but the buffet’s quite good and the sandwiches, though a touch dry, have delicious and colourful fillings. If you miss these reviews you might just miss the bus. Thank you (click).

Posted: 7 Nov 2010 by Dimitris Kiminas.

Action & Adventure Game of the Week

Iridis Alpha -- Windwalker

"Jeff Minter's fast 'n' furius split screen shoot em up Sizzles spectacularly."

Htmlized reviews of these games from the UK C64 computer games' magazine Zzap!64 have been added to the Articles section.

They packed the streets, they waited in anticipation for it was coming soon. They didn't know when it was coming or what it would be like -- only that it would arrive... Some camped in the fields others just lay in the road, they weren't going to miss it -- no way! Some knew all about it though. They knew nearly all about it. When it was coming, how much it would be -- they even knew it wouldn't come out of the drains, as first expected. They knew the next ZZAP! review would appear online November 7.

Posted: 26 Oct 2010 by Dimitris Kiminas.

Action & Adventure Game of the Week

W.A.R -- Champions of Krynn

Htmlized reviews of these games from the UK C64 computer games' magazine Zzap!64 have been added to the Articles section.

- There was a Soviet apparatchik, a Chinese People's Revolutionary revolutionary person and a Commodore-owner on this plane together, right? And the airline had been publishing all these self-congratulatory ads about adding seven new destinations to its schedules in the last year, in Sunday supplements, business magazines, The Independent, you know the sort of thing.
- So the Russian laughs and drains another vodka and says: 'That's nothing, friends. Call that growth? In Mother Russia, we have a three-year scheme for improved industrial efficiency that will increase tractor production by 72%!'
- The Chinese butts in: 'Sorry Lloyd Lloydovovich, you're talking through your cossack. In Peking we're already halfway through our latest seven-year plan -- not to mention a Cultural Revolution and a Great Leap Forward.' He sits back, smugly, and invites the capitalist home-computing running dog to beat that for long-range social planning.
- The Commodore-owner, who's been dozing over some minor magazine with 'CBM' in the title, has to pause to think.
- Lloyd Lloydovovich calls for another vodka and, while the Commodore-owner’s still puzzling over the question, makes some silly joke about his ROM needing a bit of perestroika. The Chinese gent's given up on the whole conversation now and starts re-educating himself out of some little red book.
- Suddenly the Commodore-owner speaks, in a slow but confident sort of way. 'Well, chaps,' he says, 'I'm afraid my country doesn't have plans in particular, but there is one objective we all look toward.'
- 'Exactly! Economic imperialism!' snorts the Chinese traveller, hardly looking up from his book.
- 'Well, actually, no,' says the Commodore-owner almost apologetically. 'All it is is that we're all jolly certain to read the next ZZAP! reviews as soon as they appear at the monitors on October 24.'
- Lloyd Lloydovovich defected...

Posted: 10 Oct 2010 by Dimitris Kiminas.

Action & Adventure Game of the Week

Arcana -- Search for the Titanic

Htmlized reviews of these games from the UK C64 computer games' magazine Zzap!64 have been added to the Articles section.

-Mind your backs, please! Please, watch out sir we've a very special delivery in 'ere. Now don't touch madam, that would spoil all the fun.
-Why? What have you got in there? Is it really very importa. . .
-Put her round the back George, and tell her the facts of life . . .
-What we have here ladies and gentlemen are the very latest reviews of ZZAP!
-That's great! When can we read them?
-I'm sorry to tell you sir, but, you'll have to wait till October 10 for the next delivery.

Posted: 26 Sep 2010 by Dimitris Kiminas.

Action & Adventure Game of the Week

Miami Vice -- Dragons of Flame

Htmlized reviews of these games from the UK C64 computer games' magazine Zzap!64 have been added to the Articles section.

Contrary to the tradition that wanted the reviews back in the last week of September, we come a little earlier to hopefully catch you off guard!!!

The next reviews of ZZAP! go online Sunday September 26. Missing them would be like having your brain removed.

Posted: 12 Sep 2010 by Dimitris Kiminas.

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Top 10 Games

  Game Name
1. Impossible Mission
2. Boulder Dash
3. Donkey Kong
4. Bruce Lee
5. Great Giana Sisters , The
6. Bubble Bobble
7. Summer Games
8. Pirates!
9. Ghostbusters
10. Commando

Top 10 SIDs

  SID Name
1. Impossible Mission
2. Boulder Dash
3. Ghostbusters
4. Bubble Bobble
5. Summer Games
6. Bruce Lee
7. Pirates!
8. Summer Games II
9. Wonderboy
10. Great Giana Sisters , The

Top 10 Members

1. .mad.
2. Hidron
3. Taff64
4. Retroplay
6. Capt. keyjammer
7. hzwetsloot
8. Ramos
9. Magnate
10. Seiya
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